

System and command changes between RHEL 6 and RHEL 7

Between RHEL6 and RHEL7 there are a number of changes to tools, commands, and workflows. Changes that are likely to affect common administrative tasks are listed here:

  • Anaconda RHEL installer completely redesigned1
  • Legacy GRUB boot loader replaced by GRUB22
  • Procedure for bypassing root password prompt at boot completely different3
  • SysV init system and all related tools replaced by systemd4
  • ext4 replaced by xfs as default filesystem type5
  • Directories /bin, /sbin, /lib and /lib64 are now all under the /usr directory6
  • Network interfaces have a new naming scheme based on physical device location (e.g., eth0 might become enp0s3)7
  • ntpd replaced by chronyd as the default network time protocol daemon8
  • GNOME2 replaced by GNOME3 as default desktop environment9
  • System registration and subscription now handled exclusively with Red Hat Subscription Management (RHSM)10
  • MySQL replaced by Mariadb11
  • tgtd replaced by targetcli12
  • High Availability Add-On: RGManager removed as resource-management option (in favor of Pacemaker); all CMAN features merged into Corosync (qdiskd replaced by votequorum plugin); all tools unified into pcs13
  • ifconfig and route commands are further deprecated in favor of ip
  • netstat further deprecated in favor of ss
  • System user UID range extended from 0-499 to 0-999
  • locate no longer available by default; (available as mlocate package)
  • nc (netcat) replaced by nmap-ncat

See footnotes for additional detail about these changes.


CentOS 7 (RHEL 7)服务管理命令的变化

CentOS 7 (RHEL 7)带来了新的服务管理命令,为了保持兼容原有的命令仍可以使用,以下是新旧命令的对照。

6: service httpd start|stop|restart|reload|status
7: systemctl start|stop|restart|reload|status httpd.service

6: chkconfig httpd on|off
7: system enable|disable httpd.service

6: chkconfig –list
7: systemctl list-unit-files –type=service 或 ls /etc/systemd/system/*.wants/

6: chkconfig httpd –add
7: systemctl daemon-reload